
Poems 1/3
Incomprehensible poems by and about special people. In search of encounters, self-discovery and self-help as a mixture of words. An affair of the heart.

Autor: Michael Boy

Erschienen 2021 bei Books on Demand
ISBN 978-3-7534-7197-6
Rezension verfassen

Guter Kauf - 5 Sterne

Etwas für die Seele für einsame Stunden. Und alles wird Licht.
von Sonne3 - 2021-05-17 20:43:00

Great poems - 5 Sterne

Here are 96 poems from the collection Poems. Beautiful poems, to think and smile about yourself. Good and pointed.
von Henjo - 2021-05-03 07:51:00